
Partner in the Tax Litigation area, Renato advises and represents domestic and foreign clients in tax matters before administrative and judicial courts, having extensive experience in presenting oral arguments before the various Courts, including Superior Courts and Administrative Judgment Bodies.

Master of Laws in Tax Law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) (2014)
Especialization in tax law, Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários (IBET) (2007)
Especialization in tax law, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) (2005)
Bachelor of laws, Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo (2003)


Brazilian Bar Association - São Paulo Section (OAB/SP)

International Tax Review: Tax Controversy Leaders (2017)
International Tax Review: Tax Leader by the Tax Leaders Expert Guide - World Tax (2020)
International Tax Review: EG Tax Leading Advisor (2022 and 2023)