Machado Associados was one of the sponsors of the 14th National Congress of Tax Studies of the IBET – “Racionalização do Sistema Tributário” (Rationalization of the Tax System). The event took place on 13 to 17 December at the Renaissance Hotel, in São Paulo. Júlio M. de Oliveira, partner in the Indirect and tax Litigation areas, was one of the professors invited by IBET to participate as speaker. With the title “Dissolução irregular da sociedade – aspectos presuntivos na atribuição de responsabilidade tributária dos sócios” (Irregular dissolution of companies – presumptive aspects in the allocation of partner’s tax liability), Júlio’s speech was made on December 13. With this Congress, IBET brought together professors, coordinators and students of its 29 courses across Brazil and closed its 2017 activities.