On June 22, Júlio M. de Oliveira, partner of the Indirect Taxes and Tax Litigation area, participated in the “Debate Público sobre a Proposta da Nova Lei de Execução Fiscal” (Public debate on the proposal of the new tax enforcement law), at the headquarters of the Regional Office of the Attorney General of the National Treasury of the 3rd Region, in São Paulo.The event, promoted by the High Studies Center of the Regional Office of the Attorney General of the National Treasury of the 3rd Region, in a partnership with the Tax Studies Center of FGV Law SP, had 4 panels (1 -“Diretrizes do Projeto da Nova Lei de Execução Fiscal da PGFN – Novo Modelo de Cobrança da Dívida Ativa”; 2 – “Controle de Legalidade da CDA em Sede Administrativa pela PGFN e Redução da Litigiosidade”; 3 – “Legitimidade Passiva na Execução Fiscal, Responsabilidade e Fraude à Execução”; and 4 – “Dos Embargos à Execução, Demais Meios de Defesa do Executado e da Alienação de Bens”) and was attended by teachers, magistrates and partners of renowned law firms.Júlio participated on the 3rd panel.