Notícias e Eventos

Chambers and Partners Brazil: Contentious 2022

Nosso escritório está entre os líderes em Tax Litigation, de acordo a pesquisa do guia Chambers and Partners Brazil: Contentious 2022.
Este reconhecimento é resultado do trabalho realizado e o compromisso com entregas de alta qualidade para os nossos clientes.

A client says: “They are very well prepared in terms of technical knowledge and have a very important knowledge of our business, which helps us to come up with strategic solutions. Their client service is excellent, they are always available and provide quick responses.”

Temos também a honra de comunicar que o nosso sócio Júlio de Oliveira foi, mais uma vez, ranqueado na pesquisa para o guia Chambers and Partners Brazil: Contentious 2022.

Júlio foi reconhecido por sua atuação em Tax Litigation.
A client says: Júlio Oliveira is admired by peers and clients alike for his tax litigation skills. He is active advising clients in a broad range of matters, being particularly noted for his expertise in IPI-related mandates. A client says: “Oliveira is outstanding; his work is of high quality and his client service is excellent,” and adds: “He has a strong sense of what we need to do in strategic cases.”